3 "Healthy" Things You Are Eating Everyday That Actually Add to Your Weight Problem!

Friday, December 4, 2009 |

By Dzung Dao Tien

Number One: Fruit juice

No matter what people believe, the truth is fruit juice is one of the biggest enemies against your fat loss efforts. I'm talking about commercial fruit juice and juice separated from the rest of the fruit. Fruit itself is actually very healthy when eaten with its whole fibrous components. However, when people drink only the juice, and worst of all, commercial sugar-added juice, what they take in is only a high-sugar high-calorie liquid. This way, they actually trigger fast sugar response, increase sugar cravings and fatten themselves.

So the bottom line is, eat whole fruit with beneficial fibers and avoid fruit juice (especially the so-common commercial apple and orange juice).

Number two: Wheat

Another fattening type of food we eat everyday is wheat. From breakfast cereals to lunch sandwiches, from snack bagels or doughnuts to dinner pasta, it's unbelievable how often we are consuming wheat products in a day. Our ancestors lived mainly on fruit, vegetables, meats, nuts and seeds for thousands of years. Unfortunately, wheat has been consumed with such an increasingly large amount by human beings for the last hundred years. This partially adds to more and more weight and health problems we face nowadays.

Whole-wheat products are considered better for health but if eaten too often or too much, it leads to the same problems.

Nutrition Specialist Mike Geary often suggests that his clients eliminate or reduce wheat products from their diets for a few weeks. The result is the clients start to lose more fat, have fewer digestive problems and even improve on their skin problems. Start cutting down on wheat-based food and notice positive changes in your body and health!

Number three: xenoestrogens

We are living in a world widespread with chemicals that are dangerous for our health. Some of them have estrogenic effect, for example pesticides, petrochemicals and herbicides. These chemicals, called xenoestrogens, are triggers for fat accumulation especially at the stomach area.

It is not possible to completely avoid those chemicals because they are present everywhere from our food and water supply to household products. That partially explains why more and more people are getting fatter at the belly.

You must be asking: Okay that sounds bad! So what can I do to avoid xenoestrogens?

You'll be surprised to hear that eating some types of vegetables can help you fight these unwanted disturbances and trim your waist.

And here they are!

Cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, kale...and other cruciferous veggies can be called miracles for fighting xenoestrogens. These veggies contain phytonutrients that help your body burn stomach fat. What you eat is very important in keeping a good shape so add at least one serving of them to your daily diet and start to see the effects!

To lose the extra weight and shred the belly fat you need a burning desire and strong motivation. In addition, the right knowledge of diet and exercise will reduce your time on trial and errors to bring you the result faster. If you have frequently been fighting against your procastination to start working out, take your first step by clicking Here to find out how you can boost your motivation instantly.

Dzung Dao Tien is a Master student in Sport Science & Sport Psychology from Lund University Sweden. He has gained several years of working experiences in helping people realizing and making their fitness goal successful. To learn more about Dzung, visit his website Here

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dzung_Dao_Tien



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