What is Lutein? Learn the Best Food Sources, Health Benefits and How to Take It

Sunday, November 8, 2009 |

By Henri K. Junttila

Lutein is an antioxidant carotenoid, which is a pigmented nutrient that creates the yellow colors and hues in both fruits and vegetables. It can be found in large quantities in dark, leafy green vegetables. So if you ask the question, what is lutein, then hopefully this will begin to answer your question. For more, keep reading.

However, if it isn't, then maybe this will answer the question, what is lutein? Lutein can help to fight against cataracts and macular degeneration.

It is naturally found already in the eyes; however, the body does not continue to produce it. It is in the carotene family, and we all have heard about another member of the carotene family called beta carotene.

There are actually other foods in which you can naturally find lutein besides just green, leafy vegetables. You can find lutein in corn and even in egg yolks.

Other foods to look for to help add this powerful antioxidant to your diet is mangos, sweet potatoes, squash and carrots. So, adding these foods to your diet can be beneficial to you.

Studies have also shown that lutein can help fight against the clogging of arteries, which is a condition that points towards atherosclerosis that can end up being diagnosed as heart disease.

In any case, the question, what is lutein, should be answered as: a powerful antioxidant that can prove to be beneficial to both the eyes and the heart.

There are supplements of lutein available. With the supplements, you will get the highest amount of lutein possible with each pill taken daily.

Taking the supplements versus eating the foods listed above in this article, should be considered. Why? To get the maximum benefits that lutein has to offer the body, it is best that you take lutein on a daily basis; however, with eating the foods, you will not get as high as a dose as you would with the extract that is usually put into the tablet form.

In any case, you can benefit from lutein with either method. It just may mean that you will have to eat these foods several times throughout the day just to equal the same amount of lutein that you can get with just one supplement pill. The choice is yours.

What is lutein? Without boring you with all of the scientific details, this is pretty much it. Because it is an antioxidant, it helps to get rid of the free radicals in your body, among other things.

If you would like to know more about lutein, search the Internet. There is a widespread slough of information available on the subject.

One of the best way to take lutein is in a multi-vitamin supplement that also blends other high quality nutrients. This has shown to increase absorption and health benefits dramatically in many cases.

If you're interested in learning more about the best natural supplement with lutein, visit my website, where I share what products I have personally been using daily for several years.

Henri K. Junttila is a health researcher, and believer of using the best natural options to stay healthy and young. Visit his website http://www.natural-supplements-advice.com/ today to learn more about the powerful health benefits of natural supplements.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Henri_K._Junttila



AMK said...

Supplements can be of great help in getting rid of free radicals to our body. A good source of vitamins and antioxidants to suffice what we lack from food intake.

Anonymous said...

Herbal supplements are becoming popular these days. Since it comes from nature, they are regarded as good supplements. These supplements are there to make sure that all our body’s needs are being met. The vitamin supplements can give the exact amount of nutrients that we lack, we can even add a little more to ensure that our bodies function well.

Unknown said...

Along with the benefits to eye health that lutein is known to provide new research has shown another benefit. A study recently completed at Harvard by Dr. Salvador Gonsalez concludes that it can protect us from UVB light. This is the type of light which causes sunburn and skin cancer.

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