Changing Your Eating Habits - Start Eating Your Way To Better Health
Thursday, August 13, 2009 |
You can develop healthier eating habits without giving up the foods you love, and its simpler then you think. You can start small or dive in with both feet making major changes in your life. Some of the small changes you make not only are a 1st step but will also make the next steps easier and easier.
If you start making small changes in your daily eating habits it won't be long before you are making more and more changes that will make you feel better, have more energy, and improve your mental skills. Start by making one or two small changes. Simple things that you can stick too. After awhile theses will become habit and your old bad habits will be a dim memory of the past. Some simple changes that you can start with are things like:
• Give up pop-or go to diet, which I can't stand so I started drink fruit juice or water, I know a lot of people don't like water but you'd be surprised. After a few days you will start to want water when your thirst
• Give up your after dinner snack-this one was hard for me, I had to retrain my body to not think it needed something in my stomach to be able to sleep, but once I figured out it was all in my head I found that it was easier.
• No topping on your vegetables -This one was really hard, I started making vegetables with every meal thinking I was eating better, but once you load them down with butter or cheese it's not really that healthy.
• Start taking a sack lunch- this one is good if you go out to eat a lot for lunch. There's a fast food restaurant in the parking lot of where I work and with the dollar menu I was there a lot.
• Give up your fancy morning coffee- did you know that some of those fancy latte's have 25g or more of fat in them, try changing to a low fat version.
There are hundreds of little changes you can make that will start you on the road to eating healthier, look at your eating habits and find a small change you can make and stick to it. The most important thing is to get started and keep trying. If you fail try again and keep trying. You might need to pick and smaller change if you find yourself having trouble sticking to your goal.
Writing down your goals, short term and long term, keep track of things that work and the things that you still need to work on. Your goals are not written in stone you are allowed to change them as you figure out what works for you.
Choose changes that make sense for your life, for example if your gang goes out to eat together every day for lunch changing to a sack lunch as one of your first changes is probably not the best choice, instead change what you order, find something healthier off the menu, there is better choices even at fast food restaurants.
The most important thing is not the changes you start with but the getting started and sticking to it. After you feel your changes are part of your habits of everyday life then start a couple more and keep this cycle going. Before you know it you will feel better and look better. In time you really won't even miss the things you give up and your mind and body will love the new healthy habits you have started .
Not sure what changes to start Click Here to find a few guides to help you get started.
From Someone that made small changes and lost weight doing it, I can say the most important Step is to get started. For more Tips on Healthy Changes you can make Click Here Article Source: |
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