Changing How You Eat

Monday, September 28, 2009 | 0 comments »

 by: Mohamed Rabea

As you may know, not fueling up with the right nutrients can affect how well your body performs and your overall fitness benefits. Even though healthy eating is important, there are myths that hinder your performance if you listen to them.

Below, you'll find some myth busters on healthy eating.

1. Working out on an empty stomach. If you hear a rumbling noise in your stomach, the rumbling is trying to tell you something. Without listening to them, you are forcing your body to run without any fuel. Before you exercise or do any physical activity, always eat a light snack such as an apple.

2. Relying on energy bars and drinks. Although they are fine every once in a while, they don't deliver the antioxidants you need to prevent cancer. Fruits and vegetables are your best bets, as they are loaded in vitamins, minerals, fluid, and fiber.

3. Skipping breakfast. Skipping breakfast is never a good idea, as breakfast starts the day. Your body needs fuel as soon as possible, and without it, you'll be hungry throughout the day.

4. Low carb diets. Your body needs carbohydrates for your muscles and the storing of energy.

5. Eating what you want. Eating healthy and exercising doesn't give you an all access pass to eat anything you want. Everyone needs the same nutrients whether they exercise or not, as well as fruits and vegetables.

6. Not enough calories Although losing weight involves calories, losing it too quickly is never safe. What you should do, is aim for 1 - 2 pounds a week. Always make sure that you are getting enough calories to keep your body operating smoothly. If you start dropping weight too fast, eat a bit more food.

7. Skip soda and alcohol. Water, milk, and juice is the best to drink for active people. You should drink often, and not require on thirst to be an indicator. By the time you get thirsty, your body is already running a bit too low.

Changing how you eat is always a great step towards healthy eating and it will affect how your body performs. The healthier you eat, you better you'll feel. No matter how old you may be, healthy eating is something you should strive for. Once you give it a chance, you'll see in no time at all just how much it can change your life - for the better.

About The Author

Mohamed Rabea - Online Tips and Resources!


The Benefits of Eating Raw Food

Thursday, September 24, 2009 | 1 comments »

By: kristen-dean

The benefits of eating raw food over cooked food are ridiculously high when you look at the facts. Walk into any gym and ask a fitness instructor and they will tell you that you should be eating more raw vegetables and fruits. Most, if not all doctors also recommend that you should be eating more raw fruits and vegetables as they are the richest source of vitamins, minerals and even protein.
Here are a few of the most common benefits that you get when you go raw:
a. Raw food is easy to prepare, you really need not know how to cook to make some delicious meals for yourself!
b. Eating raw vegan food can tremendously help against bodily disorders such as heart trouble, asthma, and can also offer greater protection against cancer.
c. Raw vegan food is also an overnight cure for eating disorders such as heart-burns, gastritis, constipation and infrequent bowel movement. To test this you can just try eating some raw foods rich in fiber such as apples, guavas, or banana, you will definitely notice a change in your bowel health over a very short period of time.
d. Raw Vegan food diet is a tried and tested way to get your weight down. People have witnessed amazing changes in their bodies after going on a raw food diet.
e. Raw food has more flavor than cooked food.
f. You feel fresh, and will have far more energy than you use to.
As you can see you really have no reason to not to include raw food diet. If you are still unsure whether or not you are ready then you can first try a 50-50 setup where you can have a diet comprised of 50% cooked food and 50% raw food. Once you start gaining confidence that such a diet will only return more benefits you can increase its intake.

About The Author...

Raw food has remained way too underrated however eating raw vegan food is becoming more and more popular these days as it is the most healthiest choice of foods available. try some recipes and see the difference it makes!

Read more on Eat raw food here.

Read More From kristen-dean

Nutrition and Healthy Food - The Key to Endurance Sports

Wednesday, September 23, 2009 | 0 comments »

By Orlando Racelis

Do you love sports? I do, and I guess I am very lucky I did. I said it because of the healthy benefits it is providing me. It does not matter which type of sports you are engaged in. In order to excel in sports like a triathlon, which is one of the hardest endurance sports, you need to develop your endurance. What keeps an athlete going for those long and hard hours in spite of the heat is a totally nutritional and hydrated body. All endurance sports whether swimming, running, cycling, triathlon, mountain biking, rowing, cross-country skiing, mountaineering or trekking require excellent hydration with proper nutrition. Did you know that improper nutrition and hydration can cause fatigue and poor performance?

To prepare for an endurance sport it involves adequate nutrition which includes proteins for the muscles and carbohydrates for the energy. Physical activity involves plus proper hydration. One of the main factors for an endurance sports according to the athletes and trainers is proper hydration. This involves pre-hydration of the event, hydration during the event and thorough hydration after the event to recover.

Drinking plenty of water and hydrating the body before the actual performance can give the athlete a head start for the performance. Scientifically controlled studies show that humans can live for a month without eating but can only survive without water for three to seven days. The body is made up of fifty to seventy percent water and keeping the body hydrated keeps the cells working right. People with diarrhea die not because of the diarrhea but by the dehydration caused by the diarrhea. Water is one of the most important components for the body to survive.

Endurance sport athletes generally sweat off about two quarts of water an hour in humid, hot weather. This is why it is important for the athlete to drink a minimum of four to eight ounces of water or a sport drink each twenty minutes. It may be wise to set an alarm timer each twenty minutes during a twenty-four hour period to get used to this and to remind the athlete that its drink time. Freezing the drinking bottles and packing them with insulation will keep the water cool. The athletes are not aware of the quantity of water that has been lost and it is usually much more than they are aware of. Always carry more water than you can drink. Downing them each twenty minutes will very quickly dwindle the supply. Once the endurance test has begun, the athlete must hydrate regularly during the game.

Is it better to drink water rather than sports drinks or vice versa for endurance sports? Most research concluded that sports drinks are better than water. Those athletes hydrated with sports drinks, hydrated almost the full one-hundred percent while those hydrated with water, they recovered only 50%. The body loses salts in the sweat and salts are electrolytes including magnesium, sodium and potassium which help retain body fluid for the proper body function. Remember that loss of electrolytes can cause extreme exhaustion, irregular heartbeat, dizziness and muscle cramps and in extreme situations even death.

The most important factor in endurance sports is to hydrate the body and maintain it hydrated during the game. It is preferable to use a sport drink over plain water for hydration. Sport drink has a better source for the electrolytes lost. For all endurance sports always remember, you must hydrate before, during and after the game for optimum performance. Always eat proper healthy and nutritional food daily, even there are no games to compete with.

Grab your copy of a report on healthy living today. Get some fresh ideas on the other benefits of exercise and proper food for the whole family. To receive fresh update on healthy foods, this site can guide you.

About The Author

Orlando Racelis started writing article last April of 2008. His main interests are, homebased business, travel tips, renewable alternative fuel sources, and healthy tips. He is running an online business on a part time basis. Currently working as an Internet Sales consultant. Plans to concentrate on writing articles and focus on Internet home business when he retires from his current job.

Learn which Foods can Help Relieve Stress

Monday, September 21, 2009 | 0 comments »

(NaturalNews) For many of us, a stressful day can send us reaching for a scoop of ice cream or a bar of chocolate. These so-called comfort foods may sweeten our mood for the moment, but in the long term they can cause major damage and make us even more prone to stress. We reach for comfort foods because we are searching for a sense of well-being that comes with a sudden rush of blood sugar and brain chemicals. But this effect is only temporary, and eventually we come crashing down again.

A stressful lifestyle is one of the top reasons for failing to eat right, but an undernourished body is more prone to stressful reactions. Stress itself causes a depletion of nutrients that can only be replenished by natural, healthy food choices. Fighting stress with natural, healthy food stops this ugly cycle. If you nourish your body with the right foods, you'll find it easier to manage stress and make healthy food choices. The next time stress is breathing down your neck, reach for some of this nutritious fare instead of your usual bear claw and you may just find yourself whistling a much happier tune.

Get Fruity

Slice an orange and pop a few blueberries, or go tropical with a papaya or a pineapple. All of these delicious fruits provide antioxidants like vitamin C, which can reduce blood pressure levels and fight the effects of stress. A serving or two of fruit may also help curb those sugar cravings that are common when you're under stress, especially if you eat it with some filling protein and healthy fat.

Eat Your Greens

Your grandma was right: you've got to eat your greens. These are natural sources of B-complex vitamins and folic acid, all of which work to influence mood. Greens like spinach are also rich in magnesium, a stress-fighting mineral that can relax the body and mind.

Go Nuts

A handful of almonds, walnuts or pecans contain a wealth of vitamins and minerals. The magnesium in almonds can be especially calming. Nuts can also stave off hunger and regulate your blood sugar when you can't sit down for a balanced meal.

Try the Catch of the Day

Salmon and tuna may not seem like comfort foods on the surface, but these fish can put up quite a fight against stress. They are rich sources of omega-3 fatty acids, which help regulate stress hormones. Tuna also contains natural B vitamins that combat stress.

Foods to Avoid

On the other hand, what you eat can cause stress if you make the wrong choices. Caffeine, alcohol and sugar are the top culprits of food-induced stress. These send your brain chemicals on a toxic roller coaster that will lead to a short fuse, difficulty concentrating and fatigue. Processed food laden with additives can cause chemical imbalances and deplete the body of vital nutrients it needs to fight stress. It's just as important to avoid these stressors as it is to eat the right stuff.

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Healthy Food On A Tight Budget

Saturday, September 19, 2009 | 0 comments »

By Stephanie Foster Platinum Quality Author

One of the easiest traps to fall into when money is tight is to eat unhealthy foods. Healthy foods seem to be so expensive, after all. However, there are ways to save money while eating healthier foods. Yes, you can skip the ramen noodle section of your grocery store and still feed your family well.

What’s the trick? Planning!

Whether you work at home or outside the home, your life can often be so hectic that it just seems simpler to order pizza or cook prepackaged convenience foods. However, these are typically much less healthy for you than foods you cook yourself.

Start by picking out the recipes you would like to make. Deciding on what you are serving ahead of time can keep you from deciding on something less healthy but easier to make just because you don’t feel like taking the time to cook the healthier food.

If time is a major issue, consider recipes where you can prepare it partially or fully in advance. There are people who do an entire week’s cooking in one day, storing the meals in the refrigerator or freezer. Even if you can’t entirely prepare the meal in advance, consider chopping the vegetables in advance.

Planning your meals in advance also helps with your grocery shopping. Use your plans to create your shopping list. You may even want to plan your meals at the same time as you plan your shopping list by taking a look at what is on special at whichever grocery stores you plan to shop at. Buying items that are on special can save you quite a bit of money. You may even want to stock up.

To save as much as possible, limit yourself to what is on that list. No impulse purchases! It takes self discipline, but cutting back on impulse items can be a huge help.

They may seem expensive, but fruits and vegetables that are in season are actually quite affordable, and can be an excellent alternative to sugary or salty snacks. Their frozen counterparts are also quite good for you and may be quite affordable.

If you have space in the freezer, buy meats when they are at their best discount. You will want to keep track of what a good price is for each kind of meat. You will also want to be aware of when products get marked down. I know that my local Albertson’s, for example, generally marks their ground beef from the butcher department to $1/pound somewhere around 9 o’clock every evening. Guess what time I shop there when I need ground beef?

Make the most of your leftovers. It’s all to easy to forget them and have to clean out the fridge several days later. Wasted food is money you’re throwing out. Pull those leftovers out for lunch!

Finally, pay attention to how you’re cooking your food. You may not need as much oil as you’ve been using, for example. Stir frying can be a great way to mix your meat and vegetables up with a delicious sauce. Drain the grease when you cook ground beef to make it a little healthier. Trim excess fat from other meats to make them just a little better for you. And don’t forget to eat your vegetables! Try mixing them up with some spices rather than butter... there are wonderful ways to bring out the flavors of vegetables.

Stephanie Foster runs and still finds plenty of time to cook for her family. For more ideas on what to cook for your family, visit the cooking and recipes section of her site.

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Foods That Help to Grow Taller - Eat Healthy and Increase Your Height Naturally

Friday, September 18, 2009 | 0 comments »

By Robert Austen

Healthy and balanced foods assist our body function at an optimum rate. However, the nutrition is very essential for children to help them grow taller and healthy. But, this doesn't mean you cannot gain height after passing a certain age. The grownups can also add few inches to their height by eating nutritious foods. In fact, there are certain foods that aid you grow taller and healthier.

It is proclaimed and approved by the nutritionists that vitamin, protein and mineral rich foods are helpful to increase your height. This is because proteins contain amino acids, which contain antibodies, enzymes and hormones that play a vital role in stimulating growth and functioning better. Protein is available in many foods such as milk, eggs, fish, and legumes.

On the contrary, there are certain foods that make you feel sluggish and also hamper your growth. So, you must immediately exclude these foods from your diet including fats and carbohydrates. Cereals, bread and rice are supposed to be carbohydrate rich foods. So you should exclude these foods from your diet.

Meats contain a lot of saturated fats and lipids that impede growth. So avoid eating of too much meat. If you are non-vegetarian you should eat lean red meats and sea food like Pink salmon with long bones, blue crabs, clams and rainbow trouts are low in fat content. However, you should avoid sweets, pastries, sodas and crispies which are high in fat content. Alcohol, drugs and smoking can also retard growth.

Along with the diet, a daily exercise of at least 15-20 minutes will bring upon you astonishing effects of growing taller day by day. Crunches, stretching exercises, pull-ups, stationary bike and weight training program help you a lot in this regard of increasing your height. Thus, balanced and healthy diet coupled with proper exercises will assist you to grow taller naturally.

To Increase Your Height you need special set of proven instructions and some proven exercise. On next page you will find these secret exercises, with the help of that you can easily increase you height for 4 to 6 inches. The only condition is you have to start early to get good and fast result.

Do you know simple yet effective height growing techniques? If no, then no need to worry. On next page, I had shared it, and now with the help of these proven techniques you can easily grow taller even after puberty, so now without wasting time just check the next page, it will take just 2 minutes. Believe me, these two minutes will be the most important for your rest of life. Click Here To Read More.

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Cheap But Healthy Food

Thursday, September 17, 2009 | 1 comments »

By Greg Ellis

Here's an anecdote told by Former US President George Bush: "I do not like broccoli. I haven't liked it since I was a little kid and my mother made me eat it. I'm President of the United States, and I'm not going to eat any more broccoli!" Truth to tell, most kids do hate to eat broccoli and not enough cajoling from stressed parents could make them eat the greenest of vegetables. Unfortunately, the worldwide financial crisis also affects what people eat in more ways than one.

Nowadays, with the financial crisis continuing, budgets are really tight—from governments, businesses, companies, charity organizations, and even households. For employees with regular payroll, when the budget is stretched to the limit, they could count on a cash til payday loan against their salaries. Short term loans like these could really help them augment their income, particularly when there are money emergencies to deal with that are outside the household budget, such as car repairs, medical bills, and other food expenses. Today, it is easy and safe to get faxless payday loans online because there are many reputable websites that offer financial services.

However, when it comes to food expenses, even with a tight budget, it is not advisable to cut down the money for food, more importantly, when the food is for a family with growing kids. It is better to save on petrol or energy bills and make little adjustments to the family's lifestyle in order to cut back expenses from such things, but never on food. When families lessen their food intake because of money troubles, it would not be long before medical bills start piling up, too. The best way to maximize the food budget is to choose wisely, the food bought and consumed. Picking the right food is not just wise budgeting but also adds to a healthy diet that could protect the family from heart disease, diabetes, cancers, and even depression. There are certain inexpensive but nutritious foods that protect people from the range of disease mentioned. The key is knowing those foods, why they work, and how the average Australian could practice healthy eating at home. And guilt-free, of course.

There are several general principles on eating healthy. The first is to eat fresh food. Sometimes picking fresh food instead of processed products can be a bit expensive but people should think of it as an investment to their health. The old saying, eating an apple a day keeps the doctor away, is true because eating healthy would lessen the possibility of falling ill to debilitating diseases or even the common virus such as the flu. Secondly, get sugar from whole foods like fruits and whole grains. Instead of drinking sodas and sports drinks, try fresh, home-made orange juice. For snacks, busy employees could bring a banana to work to munch on or any kind of berries. Lastly, get salt from natural and unprocessed sources like fish. Low sodium in the food intake would decrease high blood pressure, and at the same time, provide natural vitamin D and omega-3 fats to help in preventing depression.

Greg Ellis co-founder of Payday Online,
Australia's preferred short term lender, shares his insights on money matters. Founded in 2005 Payday Online has helped thousands of Australians with their fast cash loans but that's just the short term solution. Payday Online also help people in the long run by providing budgeting tools, e-books and individually researched articles on money matters and financial tips. The aim is to assist people in achieving instant and long term financial freedom. Feel free to take a look

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Black Tea Benefits - Lower Blood Sugar Levels

Sunday, September 13, 2009 | 0 comments »

By Kirsten Whittaker

When next you have the chance to try black tea... forget the 5,000 years of use in China and think instead about the many health benefits the Black Tea might bring to your body, which now include lower blood sugar levels.

You've probably heard about black tea improves immunity and heart health, now research appearing in the June 30, 2009 issue of the Journal of Food Science, adds diabetes treatment to the list of ailments where a cup of dark tea (without milk or sugar) could be just what you need.

The recent work out of Tianjin University in China found that black tea contains a substance that works just like oral medications Precose and Glyset - prescription drugs currently used to control blood sugar levels for patients with type 2 diabetes.

The naturally occurring polysaccharide compound in black tea is at levels higher than in either green or oolong tea.

Haixia Chen and colleagues report that the polysaccharides found in black tea restrict the activity of an enzyme known as alpha-glucosidase that changes starches to sugar.

This is how the prescription drugs work also.

"Many efforts have been made to search for effective glucose inhibitors from natural materials," Chen explains. "There is a potential for exploitation of black tea polysaccharide in managing diabetes."

Research has shown for some time that polysaccharides might be of value to those with diabetes because they help stop the absorption of sugar. According to the team, the black variety of tea was also found to have the best scavenging effect on free radicals, those worrisome compounds believed by many to be involved in the development of cancer and other diseases.

So can you drink black tea in place of an oral diabetic medication?

No - Never make a change like this in your treatment without talking with your own doctor.

Chen's team can't say for sure that just drinking the tea would be enough. The study used chemical extraction techniques, not the brewing as you might at home, to get the polysaccharides from the teas they'd bought at local markets.

Traditional teas come from the same plant. It's actually the amount of processing that makes the difference in the color, the black having oxidized (interacted with oxygen until the leaves darkened) as it goes through all the steps in the tea making process. Traditional processing of the black variety is not anything like fermenting, there's no yeast involved, just the tea leaves and oxygen.

It's important to know that because of the way black tea is processed, it does have a much higher caffeine content than the other teas - green, white or oolong. One cup of black tea has about 50 milligrams of caffeine compared to coffee, which has from 65 to 175 milligrams of caffeine per cup.

In fact, in many parts of the world tea, not coffee is used as the wake-me-up at the start of the day.

You can buy teas at most grocery stores, or try the organic brands from online (or local) natural health food sources.Black varieties can be packaged as a single tea or as part of a blend - you'll be amazed at the many choices. You'll want to try several brands to find the flavor and depth of color you like best, and be sure to brew the leaves lose in a nice, pot-bellied teapot so they can unfurl all the way to create a drink that's robust and delicious, and very likely good for you too!

The black tea benefits are certainly impressive, and with this research we could be close to another breakthrough for regulating blood sugar levels.

Next just head on over to the Daily Health Bulletin for more information on the benefits of black tea and how they can affect your health. For a limited time you can grab 5 FREE essential health reports...

Tips for Cooking Healthy Food

Saturday, September 12, 2009 | 0 comments »

By Pauline Go
Many people these days want to control their diets so they are eating low calorie foods, but low calorie foods that still taste great. The way to get low calorie foods that taste great is through light calorie cooking. There are a few tips to consider when embarking on light calorie cooking adventures where the calories are low but the taste is high.

Margarine As Opposed to Butter
When following recipes when preparing a meal, there are many recipes that now list a choice between using butter as an ingredient or margarine. By using margarine in the recipe instead of butter the cook cuts the caloric content significantly yet still keeps a good taste overall. It is very hard to tell the difference between margarine and butter that is used in cooked foods and since margarine is lower in calories it is a great substitute. So, the next time you are cooking and run across a choice between butter or margarine as an ingredient make the healthy and low calorie choice by using margarine. The taste will remain great and it won’t affect your waistline!

Splenda as Opposed to Sugar
Another great way in which to save on the caloric intake is to use Splenda in one’s recipes as opposed to sugar. Splenda consists of sucralose, which was approved for sale on the market in the late 1990s. Not only is this ingredient low in calories but it is great tasting as well. Splenda is also a wonderful ingredient to use in baked foods as it is heat stable and there is no real loss of the substance during cooking. For these reasons, Splenda is a great ingredient to use when cooking using those recipes which call for sugar. You won’t notice a difference, but you will enjoy great foods and beverages with considerably less calories!
These are two ways in which a calorie-conscious individual can make fantastic light calorie meals that are abundant in the taste department and easy on the waistline as well.

Tips for Cooking Healthy Food
Just eating healthy is not sufficient. You should also pay special attention to the way you cook. Here are some tips for cooking healthy food so that you eat healthy.

• It is important to use less fat in your cooking. The best way to do this is by using the 3-R method, which stands for remove, replace and reduce. Where ever possible, you should remove the food item that is instrumental in introducing fat into your food. A good example of this is sausage. You can either do away with the sausage in the food you are preparing or you can replace it with turkey kielbasa. If this not good enough for you, think of reducing the quantity of sausage you use so that the fat content in the food reduces.

• Use mono-saturated fat for cooking. A good example is olive oil. Avoid saturated fats as much as possible.

• Use less sugar in your recipes. Americans are eating more sugar than ever. A good for cooking healthy is to reduce the amount of sugar. This means less calories. Also avoid candy, soft drinks and frozen milk desserts. You should get around 6 percent to 10 percent of your daily caloric intake from sugar according to the USFDA. This amount to 9 teaspoons a day.

• Switch to whole grains, which would include brown rice and whole wheat flour among others. Whole grains have more nutrients, fiber and beta carotene.

• Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables. They are good source of essential nutrients, vitamins fiber and beta carotene. You can introduce fruits and vegetables like cantaloupes, bananas, winter squash, oranges, berries, mustard greens, cabbage, kale, spinach, tomatoes and Brussels sprouts in your recipes.

• Eat lean meat like chicken and turkey breasts, pork tenderloin, ground sirloin, center cut pork loin and extra lean ham. Just limit the serving to 3 to 4 ounces per person.

About Author: Pauline Go is an online leading expert in medical industry. She also offers top quality finance tips like :

Spot Fake Doctor Note, Find Medical Malpractice Lawyer, Find a Dentist

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Healthy Food List

Friday, September 11, 2009 | 0 comments »

The idea of embracing a healthy lifestyle has become in demand today more than ever. What with the presence of more and more dreaded diseases. To start your quest of wellness, take a sneak peek in this healthy food list and oh, start munching, huh!

* Avocado - this wonder fruit has the ability to lower your body's cholesterol and increase the level of HDL through Oleic acid. It also has lots of fiber that is good for the body. Indeed, a few slices of avocado to dress up your burger make for the healthiest alternative. Drop the mayonnaise, avocado is yummy, too!

* Raspberry - this fruit from the berry family has too many good benefits to the body to ignore. For one, it has Ellagic acid, a known component that can interfere with cancer cells. It is also equipped with vitamin C and fiber, which can help in your battle against high cholesterol, hypertension, and heart disease.

* Raisin - who would have thought that such small beings can bring in great advantage to your health? Raisins can help you enjoy sufficient supply of iron, which is an important component in transporting oxygen in the blood. It also has some fiber that is useful all the way.

* Garlic - anyone who says this does not deserve a spot on our healthy food list must be enlightened. More than the flavor it brings to the food, garlic also comes with it very important nutrients that our body needs to keep it healthy. There is its ability to lower LDL cholesterol, battle high blood pressure, and reduce your risks for certain cancers.

* Peanut - we all know that peanut can make us smart. More than that and its ability to supply our daily protein requirement, it is also infused with unsaturated fats that can reduce your risk for heart disorders by 20%.

* Yoghurt - yes, it has active bacteria and interestingly, that's where the health benefits come from. Yoghurt's bacteria can help protect you against yeast infections. Plus, it has calcium, which makes the bones strong. What's more, yoghurt is good even for those who are lactose intolerant. It does not upset the stomach so you can load up on it for a healthier you.

* Crabs - more than being very delectable, crabs also contain nutrients that our body needs. It has vitamin B12 and zinc. It strengthens the immune system while you are having your fill of the delicious meat! What's more, crab meat is low in fat. You do not need to worry about any risk!

Healthy Eating Style - Right Food, Right Time

Thursday, September 10, 2009 | 0 comments »

By Joanne T

Many will have the impression that to slim down, we will only need to control or lower the caloric intake. However, the timing for meal also a key factor in losing weight. Some will skip breakfast in order to cut down the calories intakes. Do you know that the Japanese sumo player will skip breakfast in order to promote the fat deposition in their bodies?

The most important factor in slimming will be caloric intake. Eating regularly can actually make us gain weight especially during holiday seasons when our appetites are easily out of control. Besides cutting down the caloric intake, another way to prevent weight gain will be controlling the meal time. When the energy consumptions of our bodies are at the peak, most of the food intake will be transfer to energy rather than fats.

Some expert has said that the best time to eat is when we feel hungry. This is when our bodies need energy and send out the signal to our brain that we should replenish the nutrition and energy. However, there are also some people who often feel hungry habitually, although their bodies don't need the nutrition supplement. When they do, they will then eat a whole bunch of high calories food or junk food. This is the reason for obesity.

So, when will be the best time to eat? As we mention before, when the energy consumption of our bodies are at peak, it is the beast time to eat. Most of us aren't aware, but actually the best timing to eat will be in the morning, our breakfast. After about 8 hours of sleeping, most of the cells in our body have consumed all the energy reserved. This is the time that we need a lot of nutrition to provide energy especially protein because we cannot store protein in our bodies. Most of the protein has been absorbed by nail, skin or hair or used to generate antibodies against the bacteria.

Therefore, as we have our breakfast, most of the food consumed will be used to generate the energy for our cells. Due to the different lifestyle, there is no specific breakfast time. We will just need to take our breakfast one hour after we wake up.

Another best time to eat will be half an hour or 45 minutes after exercise. At this time, the enzyme that burns the food is most active and the hormone that convert the food to fat is been suppressed. Therefore, the possibility of fat deposition at this point is almost zero. The carbohydrate consumed will be used to supplement the glycogen stored in liver because during exercise, the glycogen level will reduce. After exercising, the body will need protein and fats to help the muscle recovery and growth. As all food intakes at this point will be converted to energy to restore the physical strength, most likely none of it will be store as fat in body.

At conclusion, cutting down calories intake by skipping breakfast will actually cause weighting gain rather than losing it. And some think that after exercise, and then hungriness will causes excessive eating. Both of these impressions are wrong. A healthy eating style will be eating the right food at the right time.

Joanne T.

To learn more about healthy diet, please visit

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