Healthy Food Eating - 7 Myths Debunked
Saturday, January 30, 2010 | 0 comments »
By T Hunt
Healthy food eating and fat loss has got to be two of the most talked about topics ever. Wherever you go, wherever you look, in some shape or form, you'll definitely find things that will remind you about that diet plan you've always been putting off. Talk, pictures, movies, ads - they're just everywhere.
With the surge of all these fat loss information, it becomes difficult to tell which ones hold true or are just hyped up for marketing purposes. Read on and find out the truth about some diet myths that are totally keeping you from healthy food eating.
Myth #1: "Fat free" simply means "calorie free." When you see that fat-free sign on food packaging, you think it's the best choice. That's not always the case. Go beyond the obvious and read the nutrition label at the back. Sometimes, your favorite "healthy" snacks and so-called fat free treats can be far worse than regular food.
Myth #2: Exercise only makes you fatter because you tend to eat more. If you've been exercising for a while, you know for a fact that this isn't true. When you exercise, your body is using up high levels of energy. Without healthy food eating, you're basically setting yourself up for failure.
Myth #3: High-protein foods damage your kidneys. Older bodies of research showed the direct relation of high-protein diets to the potential overuse of one's kidneys. However, more recent studies have proven that protein has no bearing on overall kidney performance.
Myth #4: Red meat is carcinogenic. There are no conclusive findings that directly link red meat to cancer. Humans have been eating red meat for centuries...think about it.
Myth #5: Carbs are the enemy. This is probably one of the biggest diet fallacies around. Remember that carbohydrates are our primary source of energy. Taking themyou're your diet won't promote healthy food eating.
Myth #6: Eating at night makes you even fatter. It's true that your body burns very little calories when you're sleeping, but that doesn't mean you have to skip dinner altogether.
Myth #7: Salt should be avoided at all cost. This is a complete and utter fib. Sodium is an important part of a well-balanced diet. Limiting sodium intake is wise because, true enough, high-sodium diets can do your organs and bodily functions a lot of harm. Use salt sparingly, but unless your doctor advises you otherwise, don't turn your back on it entirely.
Certainly, healthy food eating is more than just counting your daily calories. It's also about getting the right information and getting the facts straight. Do your research, follow through with a balanced diet, and you're good to go.
It's clear that you get to perform and look better with a healthy diet, but following a solid exercise program such as the Truth About Six Pack Abs can definitely do you more good. Check out what well-renowned fitness expert Mike Geary has to say about fast and effective fat-loss. Get started today! Article Source: |
Aloe Vera Juice Benefits For Your Health
Sunday, January 24, 2010 | 6 comments »
While aloe is most well-known as a tropical treatment for burns, cuts and sores, numerous studies continue to show that the juice when taken internally, it can help improve one's health. One of the most notable aloe vera juice benefits is its ability to relieve constipation and other types of digestive problems. A lot of people with intestinal gastritis and irritable bowel syndrome swear by the effectiveness of incorporating the juice into their daily routine.
To keep our bodies healthy and in a good condition, we need essential nutrients of proteins, vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, fiber and water. These nutrients do not only have to be ingested in our daily diet but digested and absorbed into the bloodstream as well to have a healthy digestive tract. Aloe has been recommended by a lot of physicians for the support of the digestive system and to reduce the inflammation in the bowel. The anthraquinones & salicyclic acid in the plant significantly reduces the pain and discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract. This is truly one of the amazing aloe vera juice benefits we can take advantage of.
Good nutrition is also one of the many aloe vera juice benefits that we can enjoy. The juice of the plant is actually made up of amino acids, minerals, sugars and other nutrients that are being utilized by the body for many purposes. This has something to do with the creation of proteins. There are some studies that show that the anti-oxidant properties of the miraculous plant have the ability to invigorate the immune system leading to a healthier and disease-free body. The balance of ingredients in the juice exhibits both anti-inflammatory, anti-fungal and anti-microbial properties thus it makes an effective treatment for certain ailments including those that may include irritation and inflammation.
Aloe contains nearly a full complement of B complex Vitamins and that includes B1, B2, B3, B6, as well as vitamin C, and choline. It contains calcium, chlorine, copper, germanium, iron, magnesium lactate, manganese, potassium, silicon, sodium, and sulfur as well.
Weight loss is also one of the most well-known aloe vera juice benefits. It works to both reduce and stabilize the BMI (body mass index) by means of stimulating the metabolic rate in our liver cells to give our body the ability to burn more energy. The energy we use on our daily activities actually comes from fats and carbohydrates stored in the body. Drinking the juice daily has been compared to doing multiple workouts throughout the week.
To read more about the valuable aloe vera juice benefits, feel free to stop by Article Source: |
Sugar Packed Foods to Avoid
Saturday, January 23, 2010 | 1 comments »
Many of canned fruits that we see and buy at the store contain excess sugar and syrup that is not good for us. Instead of picking canned fruit, try to look for fresh or frozen fruits. These are better for you because they do not have as many calories or sugar. Also, many cereals even the ones we think do not contain loads of sugar may actually surprise us. Cereals with granola may contain plenty of fiber but they also contain lots of sugar to make them taste good. It is a better idea just to put a little bit of granola on yogurt instead.
Many of the snacks we grab on the go or at the mall like those specialty pretzels actually contain a large amount of sugar. These snacks usually load topping on and then come with a dip. Both of these items contain plenty of sugar and calories. If you still want to have these snacks, it is best to ask for them plain or lightly seasoned. Also, many of easy to prepare or already prepared kids' lunches and meals contain a surprising amount of sugar. This is because they put desserts and drink boxes with loads of sugar in them to make them more appealing to kids. Eating the lunches without the desserts and juice drinks are a better and healthier idea.
Finally, many drinks that have one hundred percent juice may still contain loads of sugar and should be limited or avoided altogether. Drinking water and reading labels on other drinks is a better alternative to this drink. Many of these foods may seem healthy but when we actually read the labels, we are surprised by how much sugar they contain. These tips can help make us shop wiser and healthy and be more careful about what we are actually eating.
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How an Organic Food Diet Can Help You Stay Healthy
Friday, January 22, 2010 | 2 comments »
"You are what you eat." So goes the popular saying. If you have the tendency to eat junk food or foods high in cholesterol and fat, then you are at great risk of harming your own body. That's one reason why more people today are resorting to different kinds of weight-loss programs and diets.
Diet has become synonymous with restricting yourself of certain foods to help you lose weight. However some of the fad diets prevalent today often do more harm than good. If you want to lose weight or you simply want to start living healthily, then an organic food diet may be of interest to you. It's not just a fad that goes out of style after some time. A diet consisting of organic foods is now considered a lifestyle.
Consuming organic foods is highly likely to provide your body with more natural essential nutrients and it also cleanses our bodies of toxins. Since organic produce are grown without the aid of synthetic chemicals and fertilizers, it can be assumed that eating them eliminates the introduction of harmful elements and toxins in our bodies thus promoting better health.
The idea behind an organic food diet is to avoid foods containing artificial sweeteners and other additives which our bodied cannot process appropriately. Incorrect processing of these additives cause toxins to build up in our bodies and this can prove to be detrimental to our health.
Now that we've got that covered, you may perhaps be wondering how to get the most out of this diet. One way is by eating at home and cooking for you and your family. It's cheaper, more fun and healthier than dining out. Start your own organic garden and make scrumptious, exciting meals out of your own organic produce. Eating in season is also one way to get the most out of your organic food diet because that would mean you're eating fruits and vegetables at their freshest. You may also start shopping at farmers' markets, farm stands or even community supported farms.
If you really want to live a longer and healthier life, start with a proper nutrition program. Health is the most valuable asset we have and if we don't want to lose this asset, why not try an organic food diet.
Kristel Caldoron has been writing articles online for about 3 years. Come visit her latest website about mens raincoats and mens rain boots Article Source: |
How Healthy Food Could Slim You Down
Wednesday, January 20, 2010 | 1 comments »
By L. Gabriel
Whenever you feel down and low because you think that your body is no longer appropriate for things which you used to do, you always think of not eating anymore. Running, dancing, playing ball games and even climbing up and down your regular staircase are indications that your body is no longer fit and you are getting heavier for your height and body composition. When this happens, all you can think of is to reduce your food intake.
Most people do not only reduce their food intake but also change the kinds of food they eat. This is due to the notion that healthy and natural foods entice them to eat more and could actually add up top their increasing weight. Some would opt for a cup of processed pasta than eating fruits because they think that they consume more of the fruits compared to the single serving. However, it is high time people should realize the huge benefits they could get from natural weight loss diet. Natural fruits, whole grains and vegetables are high in fiber and complex carbohydrates which could be absorbed slowly by the body and would satisfy our hunger.
Processed foods have very low nutritional value. This means that the vitamins and minerals you need for your body to function well could not be provided by them. Moreover, these have also undergone tedious productions processes and that ingredients are usually refined. This requires more amount of sugar, salt and fat just to achieve their desired taste. Along the processing, the natural components are flushed out of the ingredients and are substituted by preservatives.
Fast weight loss could happen through eating healthy foods in the diet. Vegetables, legumes, fruits and other unprocessed foods are known for their natural colon cleanse abilities which contribute to losing weight quickly. Weight loss is immediate with these kinds of diet because you don't have to take in much in order to satisfy your cravings and hunger.
Indeed, the biggest nutritional mistake that man could commit is the act of turning away from the natural state of food and resorting to those instant processed servings which is not only lacking of nutrients but are also agents of gaining more weight. Natural foods are good for the body because they contain essential vitamins and minerals and do not in clued preservatives, saturated fats and sodium which are damaging to the health. Weight loss diet including these natural foods is high in fiber that is actually contributors for fast slimming rate.
It pays to know several facts about food and diet before your get into a weight loss scheme. This will help you achieve your desired body composition which leads to your ideal body weight. Nothing can beat natural. Everything natural is good for the body because they have not undergone artificial processing methods and has higher ratios of nutrients against their caloric content. There is nothing more rewarding than losing weight without compromising your health. Trim off that fat the healthy way. Eat natural.
Frustrated with weight loss diets that don't work? There are more affordable natural weight loss products that are effective. For more information, visit Article Source: |
How to Go About Having Healthy Food at Work
Tuesday, January 19, 2010 | 0 comments »
By Stav Green
Eating out at work or having office food adds unnecessary calories and makes you lethargic. Food at hotels and restaurants seems tasty, but is loaded with extra fats. Thus extra calories get added to your waistline. This should serve as a warning signal as most health problems are related to obesity.
To avoid these problems you need to adopt healthy cooking methods. Try to get healthy and nutritious food at work. This will not only keep you healthy and fit, but will also be more cost effective. You can save on all the restaurant bills and snacks by getting yourself a healthy cooked meal from home.
You can take salads, veggies and fruits to work. All these are highly nutritious and healthy. Try to avoid heavy snacks such as donuts, cookies, chocolates or chips. Instead opt for crackers, cereals, bagels and dried fruits or yogurt.
Don't keep having cups of tea or coffee to be attentive; these have high sugar content. Instead, opt for fresh fruit juices. These are not only invigorating, but also healthy and provide essential vitamins.
Taking food to work need not take time and much effort on your part. You can take foods that don't take much time for preparation. You can take the leftovers from the previous day to work. This saves time and requires no extra effort. Another thing could be to opt for tinned products. These are quick and healthy options. Salads don't need much preparation time either. Fruits are a readily available source ready at your disposal.
Also, while preparing a meal you can opt for healthy cooking methods such as grilling or toasting your food with less oil or butter. This works well in comparison to fried foods. Also minimize high calorie foods such as cheese and potatoes.
So, opting for healthy food at work need not be a tedious job. By adopting simple measures you can keep fit and also enjoy a tasty meal. You just need to inculcate the habit of healthy cooking and cut down on junk food, fried food and outside meals.
Simply by following these tips at work you can achieve better health.
Want to find out more about healthy cooking? just click on the Link below and learn how to cook healthy food easily! Article Source: |
How Healthy Food Could Slim You Down
Monday, January 18, 2010 | 0 comments »
By L. Gabriel
Whenever you feel down and low because you think that your body is no longer appropriate for things which you used to do, you always think of not eating anymore. Running, dancing, playing ball games and even climbing up and down your regular staircase are indications that your body is no longer fit and you are getting heavier for your height and body composition. When this happens, all you can think of is to reduce your food intake.
Most people do not only reduce their food intake but also change the kinds of food they eat. This is due to the notion that healthy and natural foods entice them to eat more and could actually add up top their increasing weight. Some would opt for a cup of processed pasta than eating fruits because they think that they consume more of the fruits compared to the single serving. However, it is high time people should realize the huge benefits they could get from natural weight loss diet. Natural fruits, whole grains and vegetables are high in fiber and complex carbohydrates which could be absorbed slowly by the body and would satisfy our hunger.
Processed foods have very low nutritional value. This means that the vitamins and minerals you need for your body to function well could not be provided by them. Moreover, these have also undergone tedious productions processes and that ingredients are usually refined. This requires more amount of sugar, salt and fat just to achieve their desired taste. Along the processing, the natural components are flushed out of the ingredients and are substituted by preservatives.
Fast weight loss could happen through eating healthy foods in the diet. Vegetables, legumes, fruits and other unprocessed foods are known for their natural colon cleanse abilities which contribute to losing weight quickly. Weight loss is immediate with these kinds of diet because you don't have to take in much in order to satisfy your cravings and hunger.
Indeed, the biggest nutritional mistake that man could commit is the act of turning away from the natural state of food and resorting to those instant processed servings which is not only lacking of nutrients but are also agents of gaining more weight. Natural foods are good for the body because they contain essential vitamins and minerals and do not in clued preservatives, saturated fats and sodium which are damaging to the health. Weight loss diet including these natural foods is high in fiber that is actually contributors for fast slimming rate.
It pays to know several facts about food and diet before your get into a weight loss scheme. This will help you achieve your desired body composition which leads to your ideal body weight. Nothing can beat natural. Everything natural is good for the body because they have not undergone artificial processing methods and has higher ratios of nutrients against their caloric content. There is nothing more rewarding than losing weight without compromising your health. Trim off that fat the healthy way. Eat natural.
Frustrated with weight loss diets that don't work? There are more affordable natural weight loss products that are effective. For more information, visit Article Source: |
Tips For Healthy Food Eating
Sunday, January 17, 2010 | 3 comments »
There are so many tasty foods available nowadays, it's no wonder many people live to eat rather than eat to live. Unfortunately, all this gustatory indulgence means that healthy eating habits often take a backseat. More people are tipping the scales at less than ideal weights. However, the idea that a healthy life and good eating habits equal deprivation is completely wrong and need to be rethought.
Healthy food has to be interesting in order to encourage people to eat it. Varying the kinds of nutritional food you consume is a way of keeping things fresh and exciting. After all, who in their right mind would want to eat broccoli for dinner every single night of the week? If you do find yourself fixated on a particular food item, varying the way you cook it gives you something to look forward to as well.
Of course, it's important to eat better food if you're trying to live more healthily. Throwing out junk food and empty calories is a good start, but you can also make a real difference to a diet by practising consistent portion control. The idea is, nutritional food is good, but it won't make a lot of difference if you eat too much of it either! A good tip is that each portion of meat, carbohydrates and vegetables should be the size of your palm. What you should aim for is several small, energizing meals throughout the day instead of 3 big ones that can cause you to feel sluggish.
Not only should you accustom yourself to eating smaller, more frequent meals, you should also rid yourself of bad habits that can hinder a healthy eating lifestyle. Most common of these is eating too quickly and at the wrong times. Every bite of food should be chewed about 22 times. You should stop eating when you feel full, and not because you feel obliged to clean your plate. This is where eating smaller portions comes in handy.
The saying "you are what you eat" is never truer when applied to a lifetime of junk food consumption. It's never too late to make a change for the better, and there's no time like the present!
At the end, I'd like to share cool website with more details on topics like Food Pyramid Picture and Food Pyramid. Visit for more details. Article Source: |
Healthy Chinese Food
Saturday, January 16, 2010 | 0 comments »
By Liz Canham
Opinion is divided as to whether Chinese food is good for you. Some say that there is a lower incidence of heart disease and some cancers among the Chinese but others consider that a normal Chinese meal is incredibly unhealthy. This latter opinion is based on the levels of salt, fat and calories in such a meal. Needless to say, reality isn't quite that cut and dried and some valid information has been overlooked. As with any other cuisine the exact content of the meal is what counts. When considering the nutritional value of Chinese food, it's not just the actual food which is eaten but how much of it that needs to be taken into account too.
Chinese food calories are mainly due to the saturated fat content of certain dishes. For example, if you have a passion for fried dumplings, just one contains around 120 calories, thirty percent of which are contributed by saturated fat. It is unlikely that you'll just be eating fried dumplings so if you add another fried dish such as sweet and sour pork, this meal will probably contain more than 1,250 calories.
That's all very well if you don't need to lose weight, you take plenty of exercise and your normal daily intake is around 3,000 calories but if you're trying to reduce those calories in order to shed some fat, then this meal will take up between fifty and seventy five percent of your daily allowance.
Having said that, you don't have to give up Chinese food just because you're on a diet as there is lots of healthy Chinese food which contains fresh vegetables and low fat protein such as chicken or fish. Even stir frying doesn't use an enormous amount of fat but in any event many Chinese dishes are steamed and that really is a healthy option.
Chinese soups such as hot and sour or wonton are not too full of calories and needn't be oversalted, while steamed chicken breast (no skin) or fish with steamed rice is a very low calore meal. Soy sauce is a common Chinese ingredient and provides natural salt as well as Vitamin B6 and isoflavones which are thought to be responsible for lowering cholesterol and thus a healthy heart, hence the low incidences of heart disease. So, enjoy your healthy Chinese food but keep an eye on those calories and you'll have as nutritious a diet as with any other cuisine.
Liz Canham is a writer and a lover of Asian food. To learn more about Chinese food click here and visit Asian Food and Cookery. Article Source: |
Healthy Food Guide
Tuesday, January 12, 2010 | 1 comments »
Many people, even body builders, have often overlooked the fact that any attempt to build the body and get your body all bulked up without the support of required diet will not suffice. Training must be leveraged on proper nutrition otherwise your thrust at building your body into a bulk muscle pack will remain a pipe dream. Training and nutrition is the only successful combination otherwise your effort will yield nothing and you will get your self frustrated. Following a body building diet does not necessarily mean that you have to starve yourself. Many people have always mistaken dieting with the warped notion of foregoing food in order to lose unwanted body fat. All you need is to be guided on how to select and make good use of healthy food.
One of the chief principles of a body building diet is eating many frequent meals in the course of the day. As a body builder you have to abandon that traditional routine of guzzling down three meals a day. There are two basis reasons for this. The first one if that when you eat frequently you boost your metabolic processes and this results in the burning of a lot of fat as well as muscle gain. The second reason why you have to abandon the three meals a day routine is that the spacing of the meals in the breakfast, lunch and supper only framework results in overeating which in turn results in fat accumulation. This is the last condition you would want to find yourself in as a body builder.
What you need to understand about the dears of spaced eating intervals is that your body naturally turns on the catabolic state after three hours of no food. This state is bad news for you as it entails the loss of muscle and gaining of fat. This results from the fact the body will be sensing, falsely so that you are starving and starts implementing self-sustaining measures which in fact are retrogressive to your to your objectives. The working solution in the frequent feeding schedule is to have about 6 meals a day instead of three and make sure that your meals are spaced at 2 and a half hour intervals.
Upon the matter of nutrition the other important factor to consider is the matter of ensuring that your body building diet is balanced a balanced diet especially for a body builder means that you have carbs in your diet as well as proteins and healthy fats. If your diet is not balanced you body will be forced into a condition of storing carbs into fat and this is the condition that you do want to find your self in as a body builder. The other critical principle in body building dieting is to ensure that your calories are cycled. This simply entails that you have to follow routine of two days of lower calories followed by a five days of higher calories, this will help you increase your muscle gain while the five days of lower caloric intake in two days will the ideal routine in cases where fat has to be to be lost.
Are you ready to learn everything you need to know about healthy food guide? Visit today for more information! Article Source: |
Food - Healthy Chocolate is Good For You
Sunday, January 10, 2010 | 0 comments »
When looking for good, healthy chocolate look for a dark chocolate product with the following components:
- Has not been alkalized
- Has been cold pressed
- Contains at least 70% pure cocoa
- Contains cocoa butter instead of milk fat or any oils
- Contains natural low glycemic sugars such as stevia or raw cane sugar
One must do their research as this is a very "hot" item (pardon the pun) that everyone is trying to get on the band wagon with. There are many chocolate companies touting the benefits of dark chocolate and the general public does not take the time to read up or research the facts. The fact plain and simple is do not eat the chocolate sold in the local stores that contain all the milk fats and sugar. You are doing nothing but setting yourself up for failure. If you find dark chocolate with the above criteria, then go for it.
I have also read that dark chocolate has been showing that it can be beneficial in many areas such as reducing inflammation, diabetes, anti-aging, memory, brain health, weight loss, and even areas of your oral health.
One of the areas I was amazed is that there is a component in chocolate called poly phenols that actually help reduce tooth decay and plague on your teeth. Wow that was too good to believe you can eat dark, healthy chocolate and it helps your teeth to be healthier. As with any food item, you want to consume it in moderation. Even though you love something and it can be good for you also, you do not want to go overboard with eating it.
Kathleen Hoagland - Health Coach working with motivated women who desire to lose weight, reduce stress and/or exercise more. Look for me on twitter and Facebook and lets chat. Opt in on my website and sign up to join one of my free teleclasses or get a free report. Click on the following website at Article Source: |
Easy Food Combining For Better Health
Saturday, January 9, 2010 | 0 comments »
Let's look into the American diet, and see what, if anything can be done to alter the path we are on. The path I speak of is one that has led to sky rocketing obesity, chronic illness and an overall pattern of poor choices. Are these choices so ingrained in our psyches that we, as a society have gone too far down the path to reverse direction? Fast food, super buffets, meat and potatoes, everywhere we turn these are the types of dining choices inundating us daily. We are initiated early by commercials, ads, billboards and free toys targeting the youngest and most easily influenced group of all.
So, how do we change these habits that have been ingrained so deeply? Baby steps... the journey to good health through proper eating habits is one that can be travelled by anyone who chooses to begin it. Many who say they've tried and failed did so many times for two reasons. First, they gave up! As the former college basketball coach Jim Valvano said in his now famous speech, "don't give up... don't ever give up." If you have a bad day or week, so what it's one day or week get back up the next morning and start again. The second reason many fail, is because they go all out from day one. This takes me back to the baby steps, many small changes over time can and will make huge changes in your health and life. We will discuss combining foods properly and how to begin the journey today.
Some things to remember as you begin to eat better is what to eat with what and why. We've all heard someone say, as they're gorging themselves "what difference does it make, it's all going to the same place anyway?" This may be true, however what happens or doesn't happen once it gets there makes a big difference. The human digestive system is amazing. We have the ability to digest and use meats, vegetables and fruits, unlike other animals. Now, the deal with this is that our system immediately recognizes the type of food we are ingesting, and adjusts what it needs to do to digest it properly. What happens when we improperly mix these foods together? Confusion, I will explain in a moment, but when our digestive system is confused it can't do it's job completely. This can be compared to the workplace, when mixed directives are received from different sources, the outcome usually is not what was intended.
How does a our digestive system get confused? Believe it or not, we digest different foods in different ways. Starches are broken down by enzymes in our saliva, and proteins by the acids in our stomachs. So, when these are combined in the same meal the result is improperly or undigested food. Vegetables and other fiber filled foods pass through to the intestines where they are transformed into a gelatinized substance by enzymes and bile.
So, to bring it into a nice package here is an easy way to remember what to eat and when. Starches should be eaten alone, or with vegetables. Proteins eaten alone or with vegetables. Vegetables eaten alone, with starches or proteins. Fruit should be eaten alone to aide with their cleansing effects. Fluids, preferably water should be consumed 30 minutes prior to or after eating. Fluid intake should be limited while eating, especially proteins to allow the acids in the stomach to perform their duties without being diluted. Remember these simple principles when choosing foods, and you will soon feel and look better.
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Healthy Food Low Budget? Try Pulses
Thursday, January 7, 2010 | 0 comments »
By Des Greene
So you want to eat healthy food on a low budget? Well who wouldn't? - But in these hard times that's not so easy is it? If money is tight and time to prepare nutritious family meals is limited, it's all too easy to get drawn into buying unhealthy high fat pre-packaged foods. These often look like the cheapest option - but is that really the case, and what is their true cost in terms of our overall health and well-being?
Pulses are an excellent way to improve the quality of our diet, and the great thing is they also allow us to save money into the bargain. Pulses are the family of foods that include dried beans, dried peas and lentils. They are high in fiber, high in protein, low in calories and can help to lower cholesterol, so all in all they are simply a great health food which is also satisfying and cheap.
But surely dried beans take an age to prepare with all that soaking and boiling? - That's certainly true, but these days all good supermarkets stock a wide range of tinned pulses which are equally nutritious, still very cheap and also very quick to prepare. For example, my own Easy Bean Stew Recipe from preparation to on the table takes me no more than half an hour (see link below).
It would be quite wrong however to discount dried beans and pulses just because of the preparation time, after all they are so cheap that I always keep a stock of various types in my store cupboard for when I've had the time to plan meals ahead. Planning is the key point here, if I know I'm going to make a bean dish tomorrow, I just put the beans in a bowl of water before I go to bed. As soon as I get in from work the next day, I change the water put them on the cooker to boil and they're ready to incorporate into my meal by the time I'm ready to start the main preparation. Really easy, but just needs a little forethought.
Aside from their inherently healthy properties, pulses also improve our diet in other more subtle ways. Pulses are generally very filling, so to balance that out we are usually inclined to need less meat in the dishes we create with pulses. This can reduce the overall bad-cholesterol quantity in the meal, but also by bulking out stews, soups and casseroles, pulses can also make the same amount of expensive meat fill more plates which is again no bad thing. Taking this a stage further, pulses have traditionally formed the basis of some of the very best of vegetarian dishes, so if you've been looking for a way to cut down on, or cut out meat completely, pulses are the way to go to achieve this.
If like many of us you are currently struggling to make ends meet, and the weekly shopping budget never quite seems to fill the shopping cart, then why not let pulses help you out a little? Your family probably already loves a good chilli con-carne full of nutritious red beans, so you're half way there. Why not try out my Easy Bean Stew Recipe or get experimenting with some different types of beans and lentils and a few herbs and spices? With a little effort you could easily add a whole new repertoire of tasty dishes to the family menu. They don't even have to know that you saved a bundle whilst providing them with healthy food on a low budget!
If you would like to read more about health matters, I also own and write for the website: Dietary Supplement & Health Site. Article Source: |
Healthy Eating During Mardi Gras Food Festival
Sunday, January 3, 2010 | 0 comments »
By James Wayne
First, there is Thanksgiving. Then, there is Christmas from last year. Before you know it, you would have gained at least 5 pounds. What's worse is that there's still Mardi Gras celebration to worry about if you failed your New Year's Resolution weight loss plan. If Mardi Gras cakes and food have been weighing you down every year, it would be best to change your holiday eating habits.
After a slew of holiday feasts, the most important strategy in Mardi Gras is to just maintain weight. It is more likely that you have gained a few pounds by the time Fat Tuesday kicks in. therefore, the primary idea is to stop the weight gain and maintain your weight. This relieves you of all the pressure of losing weight, and enables you to focus on keeping track of your calorie count. Controlling how much and how often you eat are also critical points when faced with the tasty temptations of Mardi Gras cakes. It is recommended that you eat six small meals a day, with a total calorie intake equivalent to three full meals. Eating often leads to an improvement in metabolism. Better metabolism enables your body to burn fat and calories continuously, thus preventing any drastic weight gain. Before the celebrations, you can take a small meal so you avoid eating too much during the gathering. During the banquet itself, make it easier on yourself by staying as far away from the buffet table as possible. It is best to survey the table once, choose the healthy items and enjoy the cuisine at a distance. Being far away from the buffet table prevents you from giving in to the temptation of sweet treats, high-fat foods and alcoholic drinks. These three have been labeled as major causes of weight gain, especially on holidays. To make sure that you have a healthy option come Mardi Gras, you can host the party yourself. By cooking for your family and friends, you can maintain your healthy eating habits and encourage others to develop them as well. If organizing a party is not your strong suit, you can just bring a healthy dish to your friends' parties. This serves the same purpose and makes sure that you have at least one healthy food option come dinner time.
Your healthy eating should continue even after the celebrations and parties are over. Once the Holiday fever has subsided, you should remove all remnants of the holiday season from your fridge and replace them with healthy food choices. These include a stockpile on fruits and vegetables, lean meat and bottled water. To curb weight gain during Mardi Gras and all its precedent holidays, you can set your mind to a diet and workout program. There are programs out there with infusions of supplementary medicine, diet program and workout routines that target specific fitness goals, such as losing fat or gaining muscle. A great research on your part is required to find them.
Mardi Gras may be called Fat Tuesday, but it does not give you the license to lose control over your body. Healthy eating should always be a part of your lifestyle all year round, especially during holidays like Mardi Gras where the temptation to binge and overeat reaches its peak.
Read reviews of some of the top weight loss systems at to learn ways to quickly lose the fat. In addition, there are great resources for various holiday occasions on weight losing tips. Try any of the recommended products and you will receive a bonus 2010 Ideal Weight Guide eBook and report. Article Source: |
Healthy Food to Eat
Friday, January 1, 2010 | 0 comments »
Healthy food to eat is available for most people. Unfortunately, too many folks choose to ignore good healthy food and consume the worst foods to eat at every meal and snack.
Healthy Diets For Teens
Good health foods that meet the daily nutritional needs of teenagers also meet children nutritional needs as well as those of adults. In other words, everyone needs raw vegetables, fresh fruit, and whole grains.
These essential foods must be included in any healthy diet plan you formulate or adopt.
Any healthy diet plan must include at least five servings of raw vegetables and fresh fruit per day. Realistically, you should eat much more of these healthy foods per day but that is the minimum.
Sources of protein such as beef, chicken, fish, or eggs should be consumed in small amounts. Envision a piece about the size of a deck of playing cards and that is approximately the correct amount you need per day of these foods.
Inexpensive Healthy Recipes
Many tasty recipes can be made from good cheap food. Healthful food choices do not have to be expensive.
When preparing a healthy diet menu you should include mostly unprocessed foods. This keeps the costs low while offering the greatest variety of nutrients as nature intended.
As you can see, healthy food to eat is all around us. Raw vegetables, fresh fruit, and whole grains are readily available in most developed countries. It is up to you to choose the best foods to eat to keep yourself and your family healthy.
Dr. Dale Heil Have you ever wondered why some people just cannot lose weight and keep it off? Would you like to learn how to modify your favorite recipes to be healthier table fare so you can eat what you want and stay healthy? Visit for great recipes, cooking tips for healthy eating, and common sense weight loss. Click here for fantastic examples of healthy dinner ideas: Article Source: |