Shop Once Per Week For Consistent Healthy Eating

Saturday, May 1, 2010 |

By Dave Sheahan

This is a very simple but key strategy for adhering to a consistent balanced nutrition programme. Ask yourself this question - how many times this year have you actually conducted 1 large weekly shop instead of visiting the local shop or supermarket a number of times during the week? I am sure it wasn't often.

The key to everything is planning and organising and this is not different with shopping. People don't organise and plan their shopping at all and is the reason why they always buy more both on each shopping trip and each week than they need. Look how much money you are wasting each week on needless purchases? Look at how you are sabotaging your nutrition programme by bringing unplanned temptations into your cupboards that are begging to be eaten.

An important realistion for you to be aware of is that supermarkets are strategically designed to ensure shoppers buy much more than they had planned on each visit. Have you noticed that in order to get to the healthy aisles you have to pass the sweet aisles, deli etc You must pass these aisles in order to get to what you want - and these are never the fruit and vegetable aisles!!!

You get lured by the smell from the deli, or the rows and rows of biscuits, sweets and cakes. Shop designers know the psychology of people and feed off it. You must plan your shopping trip just like your exercise, work project etc Write your list of exactly what you need and when you hit the shop conduct your trip with military precision going to just where you have planned to go and GET THE HELL OUT OF THERE!!

It is the simple, and often most obvious, strategies that when adhered to ensure that you create a lean sculpted body and live the life of your dreams. By having a full shop done you will have everything you need in supply and there will be no excuse for deviating from your nutrition path.

Would you like to know why you are not getting results despite all your effort? I've just finished a brand new FREE ebook called "Myth v Fact - Time to Learn the Truth". Download it FREE here:

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