Keep Your Family Healthy With Healthy Eating For Kids
Monday, April 12, 2010 |
By Renee Malove
As parents, there's nothing more important to you than the health of your children. From the moment they're born you do everything you can to keep them healthy and happy as they grow. But did you know that most children have their health sabotaged before their first birthday, just because most food manufacturers don't promote healthy eating for kids?
Oh sure, you see the advertisements. They tell you you're making the right choices for your kids. The bottom line, however, is that most of the crackers, fruit snacks, juice and cookies your kids are snacking on are loaded with high fructose corn syrup, sodium, fats, additives and other unnatural ingredients that aren't meant to be processed by their immature digestive systems.
Couple that with the growing trend toward couch-potatohood (and worshipping at the video game shrine 5-7 hours a day) and you've got a lethal combination that's setting the stage for an unhealthy generation of children. In 2002, 22% of American preschoolers were overweight. Today, 33.3% of America's youth is clinically overweight or obese. Studies also show that 40% of obese children and 70% of obese adolescents go on to become obese adults, setting the stage for a lifetime spent struggling with diabetes, cardiovascular disease and, more importantly, the tremendous blows to their self-esteem from the mocking of callous classmates.
The answer lies with you. Learning the ins and outs of healthy eating for kids will go a long way toward teaching children proper eating habits, the cornerstone of lifelong health and nutrition. Since your kids don't usually do the grocery shopping it's up to you to make sure they're eating the right blend of all natural ingredients they need to grow.
What are your kids drinking? All children love juice and soda, but they're both loaded with empty calories. Replace their juice with water and milk, and save the juice and soda for special occasions. It's better for you too!
Cut out processed, breaded meats like chicken nuggets and fishsticks and replace them with lean meats (chicken breasts, fish filet, lean steaks). Then, take a look at their fruit and vegetable intake. Are they getting their recommended daily allowance of both, or are you letting it slide because fighting with them over their vegetables is more trouble than it's worth? Fruits, vegetables and proteins are a key part of healthy eating for kids because they take longer to digest. Kids feel fuller, so they eat fewer unhealthy carbs and do much less snacking.
Speaking of snacking...
Today's kids are snacking more than ever and still eating three full meals a day. Not only are they getting too many of the wrong kind of calories, they're also learning to overeat. Limit your children's snacking, and make sure they're getting the right kind of snacks. An apple with peanut butter is much healthier than a pile of cookies or a dish of chips. Keep plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables within easy reach so they can grab for them instead of the crackers in the cupboard.
By learning the fundamentals of healthy eating for kids, you're setting your family on the path to a lifetime of happiness and good health.
Renee Malove is a parent and freelance writer from Perry, NY. Article Source: |
vob to wmv converter said...-
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When you are a parent or guardian, you should teach your kids the importance of a balanced diet.Making sure they eat healthy is one of the best ways to make sure your child is healthy.
When it comes to teaching your children about eating healthy, you will want to give them options rather than dictate foods.They can consume chocolate drinks or juices, just make sure they don't drink them very often.
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