Healthy Food For the Heart - 2 Fantastic Choices
Sunday, March 21, 2010 | 2 comments »
By Greg Meggs
As more and more Americans realize that obesity, heart disease, diabetes and high blood pressure are becoming an issue for themselves or loved ones many of them are turning towards healthy food for the heart to help either control existing medical problems, or prevent new medical issues from arising. We are beginning to see America's health problems and in particular America's relationship with food more and more distinctly as time passes. The US is now one of the most overweight countries in the world and it's hard to get through a week of news coverage without hearing about child obesity and type II diabetes issues. Luckily, food for a healthy heart can not only contribute to heart health but will also assist you in controlling your weight. Here are several different heart healthy foods that will help you live longer and happier life.
Blueberries are not only healthy food for the heart but they also offer many other benefits such as fiber, vitamin C and antioxidants. Web M.D. has blueberries on the top of their list for heart healthy food because of these factors and many more. Blueberries have come to be known as one of the most powerful disease fighting foods because they boost both heart health and have other beneficial effects on human anatomy. So take steps to incorporate blueberries in your diet. Top your healthy cereal with fresh blueberries to add a delicious boost of flavor or pack your pancakes, muffins, waffles and bagels with this heart healthy fruit.
Salmon also enters our equation as another healthy food for the heart. Salmon are cold water fish that are a great source of protein and Omega-3 fatty acids. Versus using beef that can sometimes be high in fat in order to obtain the protein needed in your diet replacing those portions with salmon twice a week can actually help to reduce your risk of heart disease and heart attack. Many individuals appreciate Salmon because of how versatile and easy to prepare this healthy food for the heart can be. Salmon can be grilled, oven cooked or micro waved. Leftover portions can be thrown in with the salad, salmon cakes or mixed in and used with dips or spreads. All these reasons and more make salmon a healthy food for the heart.
Both of the items listed above is healthy food for the heart and should be utilized to if you're attempting to cut your chance of heart attack, stroke, diabetes and or heart disease. By incorporating healthy food for the heart like these you are assured of living a longer more peaceful existence while reaping all the benefits that healthy living has to offer.
Nearly 95% of the people reading this article will suffer heart disease and most of those will have a severe, massive heart attack. Don't be one of them. I invite you to start, today, eating healthy food for the heart. if you don't do it for yourself, do it for your family. They are counting on you! Go to, where you will find more information and a plan to start on the road to a healthy, happy life. Article Source: |
Healthy Food For Optimal Health
Monday, March 15, 2010 | 2 comments »
When I learned I had breast cancer, I decided that I needed to find out as much as I could about how my diet might impact my health. I absorbed everything I would get my hands on that discussed the importance of nutrition in regaining health and preventing a recurrence of cancer. Shortly after I learned I had cancer, I also found out that I am allergic to dairy and eggs. I needed to make changes to my lifestyle - fast.
The first thing to go was dairy. All of the years that I was consuming massive amounts of cheese was taking a toll on my health. Almost immediately upon giving it up, the majority of my migraine headaches disappeared. Another astonishing revelation was when, just as quickly, I no longer needed the Afrin nasal spray I had come to depend on to clear my sinuses for 35 years! I couldn't leave the house without it. Now my need for it had disappeared. I had no idea that all of these issues were being caused by dairy.
Suddenly it was obvious, but for years I went along consuming dairy and suffering side effects without ever putting the two together. To improve my health on all counts, I realized that I needed to get back to basic, simple foods. No more processed junk foods, no more saturated fats, and no more refined white flours and sugars. So, along with dairy, I cut them out of my life. I now eat a mostly plant-based diet that is rich in nutrients and full of vitamins.
I buy organic when possible to avoid the pesticide and herbicide residues that are so prevalent in conventionally grown produce. I cook my meals from scratch. No more cans, packages or boxes (with a few exceptions). I now use my creativity and Google savvy to put together healthy meal ideas that work for my family. I noticed an immediate improvement to my health. I not only started to lose weight, and ultimately slowly and steadily lost 50 pounds, but I started to feel like my younger self again. More energetic, less achy, clearer skin.
I found that by merging elements from a vegan diet and a raw food lifestyle I could satisfy my family's needs of eating healthy. The elements that I incorporated from the raw food diet is not only eating more vegetables in their raw state, but also eating foods that are "pure". In other words, foods that are not processed or otherwise adulterated. They don't contain chemicals or additives as they are mostly freshly made and consumed. However, it was not feasible to prepare only non-cooked foods 100% or the time. Although, I do try to eat at least 50% raw each day.
I needed to include hot healthy foods into my diet as well. In the northeast the winters are cold and it is just not possible for me to cut out all warm food. As far as veganism, I have eliminated all animal products, with the exception of some fish on occasion for the omega 3 benefits.
My diet now focuses on a plant-based diet and includes whole grains, beans and nuts. With all of the changes I have incorporated into my life, I have reduced my risk of having a recurrence of cancer substantially. Consuming less saturated fat, including an exercise regime, cutting out alcoholic beverages and more leafy greens and cruciferous vegetables all cut my risk. But my new regime is not only one that is good for those who have cancer. It is a lifestyle that we should all incorporate elements of into our everyday lives. It is healthy and promotes optimal health. Healthy food is key to optimal health. Making small changes in lifestyle can add up to big benefits over time. The next time you consider picking up a loaded burger, consider your health!
My website Cheap Healthy Meals is a great resource for recipes that fit into the vegan lifestyle. They are simple to prepare, delicious and nutritious. Your family will love them! Article Source: |
Why is Fiber Food Good For Health
Tuesday, March 2, 2010 | 2 comments »
With most of us having very hectic schedules it can be easy to forget to take care of our diet. If you are the type of person that consumes junk food each day then it is time to make changes. Fiber food will provide you with an immediate boost and you will notice a reduction in the number of health ailments that you suffer from.
It is not difficult to include more fibre in your diet; all it takes is a determination. Did you know that by having a diet high in fibre you will greatly decrease the risk of suffering from certain cancers as well as digestion problems. Inflammatory bowel syndrome, irritable bowel syndrome, Chrones diseases, and ulcers are all usually down to a poor diet. By eating more fibrous foods your colon will be able to remove waste products more effectively and therefore will be better able to absorb essential nutrients and minerals.
There are many foods that you can consume to increase your fibre intake. These do not have to bland and unappetising. Are you aware that blueberries and raspberries contain high fibre levels? Why not eat crepes or pancakes with an all natural blueberry or raspberry preserve.
If you love to sample exotic foods then you may be pleased to discover that spices actually are a great source of fibre. For example Indian food contains a lot of Haldi, or Turmeric as it is known in the west; this is a great source of fibre as well as being a herb with known antiseptic and antioxidant properties.
You can also get the right amount of fibre into your diet by increasing the amount of green vegetables you eat. Broccoli, cabbage, and green beans are known to have high dosages.
It's simple to alter your diet so that you have the right fibre level to provide a healthy digestive system and metabolism.
The information found in a list of high fiber food is best supplemented with a high fiber food chart. Use your chart, as well, as the list of high fiber foods, to learn the fiber content of your favorite foods. Generally, you should eat more food rich in fiber than those without fiber. When adding fiber to your diet, it's important to start slow and progressively increase fiber intake.
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Raw Food Health Benefits - Why is Raw Food Healthy?
Monday, March 1, 2010 | 2 comments »
By Bill Boor
Raw food health benefits are numerous. In nature, our food has been blessed with everything that we need to consume for our survival. But when we cook our foods we change its natural constitution and often destroy the enzymes and nutrients that our bodies need to be their healthiest. Humans are the only mammals that cook our food, and this has not necessarily been an advancement in terms of our diet and health.
Of course, not all vitamins, minerals and all other nutrients are lost after foods are cooked. However, cooking food at high temperature kills many enzymes that are present in food. These enzymes are the chemical substances that help us get the benefits of the essential nutrients such as the vitamins and the minerals.
Cooking also alters the constitution of the foods we are eating. You can not seem to avoid the word "fiber" in any of the discussions about what we need more of in our diets today. But what makes fiber so important? Why is it important to maintain a fiber rich diet? Well, in short, fiber in its raw aids in digestion. The cooking of food greatly reduces the quality and ability of fiber to help with the digestion of food properly.
There are other important, and often unintended, raw diet health benefits. One of the most significant of these is the ability to lose weight quickly while on a a raw foods diet while at the same time having an increased energy level. Many of those on a raw foods diet also experience a dramatic improvement in their complexion and other signs of bodily health.
A raw diet generally includes lots of fresh fruits, green vegetables, beans, grains, nuts and more. Fruit juices and vegetable juices also become a part of your daily regime when you are on a raw food diet. These foods are not only high on the nutritional benefits, they are great on taste.
A final benefit of a primarily raw diet, particularly one that is organically based, is that it can help detoxify your system of the unwanted wastes that have accumulated in your body over a period of time. So, if you want to get rid of extra weight, boost your energy level, improve your digestive functions and get rid of the harmful toxins in the body, you should certainly consider making the switch to a raw foods diet.
To learn more, checkout these raw food books and raw food diet recipes Article Source: |